Monday, April 27, 2009

Rudolf's barkday

Yesterday I went to Rudolf's 3rd barkday at K9 Campus. I of course had a blast because it's my first time being off leash by my pawrents. I couldn't have that privilege in the country where I was at before Singapore.

Anyway, I met lotsa pawfriends over there! I was sooooo excited. I love Goofy a lot, but too bad he's already attached to Maggie my ex-neighbor :( But my hooman also told me that he's a HE, no matter what I can't be together with him. Sighs.

I can't post pictures here yet because my male hooman hasn't given my female hooman the photo files. But once they have already been given, they will be posted on my Facebook. Feel free to add me, here's my address: sikecilmungil@hotmail


The Musketeers said...

Hello Canon !!!

You can see the info at :

Hope to see you there.
It's located at the west (:


duo_disaster said...

Pictures up!