Monday, November 3, 2008


So it's November... sorry for my disappearance as currently J has been so caught up in her own world *sneers*
I was so pissed the other day. F was walking me at night and we ran into this mongrel lad. His dad was saying I looked like a puppy.

What. I am 2.5 years old. That's a huge insult for such cool hunk like me, you know. Any advice from other GR friends on how to grow muscles? I desperately need one because I need to find a gf soon, you see. ;)

J has been feeding me this fish lever oil supplement called Burp!, I like it. Everytime I see her shaking the bottle I will pose my 'Good Boy' position and happily reach for it. Yum de yum.

What kind of supplements are you guys having the mo? Let's share. =)


Dino and Family said...

Nice to meet you, Baconese! I look forward to reading about all your adventures in Singapore.
I take Derm CapsES fish oil and Consequin DS tablets everyday.
Love, Dino

Maggie said...

oh well canon..
at least
u are bigger than me...
im a petite lady ..

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to my adorable friends.
I'm blessed to have friends like you and I'm so thankful for that.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Are you in food coma or what?
Please come to my blog to pick up your Awards as much as you can before the year ends, haha!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi man, welcome back!
How's your love story, are you dating somebody?
Glad to have you back, Canon.
The Awards are on my post and on the right side bar, pick any Awards you like. You may rent the whole airplane to haul it back to Singapore!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy New Year Canon.
I'll help you come up with one new year resolution: post at least once a month!